Tuesday 6 December 2011

Stay pain free this holiday!

Before you head off to the beach here are 10 tips to keep you pain free while you away:

1) When flying don't remain seated for the entire journey. Make sure you walk around to stretch out those legs and back.
2) Dont lift a heavy bag to put in the overhead compartment, rather get someone to help you.

3) If you have knee pain, stretch your legs out and avoid keep them bent for long periods of time
4) If you are travelling by car take breaks, stop and walk around
5) If you absolutely have to carry a heavy bag, remember to bend at your knees, tighten your tummy and keep the bag close to your body!

6) Walking on the beach is not the best thing for back pain so try and avoid it. However, if you don't have time to go to the gym, make sure you take walks or do some activity to keep that body mobile!

7) Always wear comfortable, supporting shoes when going on long walks
8) Remember all the TA training that I have taught you!:)
9) Speak to us about giving you a home program while you are away.
10) Make the most of the break! Relax and enjoy!

Call us to make an appointment, should you suffer from aches and pains that have stopped you from enjoying your holiday!

Wishing everyone a safe trip and happy holidays!!

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