Tuesday 1 November 2011

Biokinetics or Physiotherapy?

his has been a long, drawn out debate. I want to make it easier for you to understand the difference so that you can make the best choice for yourself and your pain!
A physiotherapist is used in the early, acute stages. He/She will help get rid of the pain. They do this by using massage, ultrasound, tens, dry needling, strapping and other methods. Thus they treat the symptoms and help get you ready for a Biokineticist to work with you.



As a biokineticist I will assess your body as a whole. We will do a full postural analysis, gait analysis, look at your strengths and weaknesses and do muscle testing.
By doing this I can see the cause of your pain. For example you may be experiencing pain in your hip or your knee and this could possibly be coming from your back.
Thereafter a biokineticist uses exercise and stretching to treat the cause of your pain and prevent it from recurring.

There is a place for both a Biokineticist as well as a Physiotherapist in your treatment. However they need to be utilised at the right time during your treatment. So you could be with a biokineticist however if you flare up, then the right thing would be for your Biokineticist to refer you back to your physio and once he/she is done with their treatment you come back to your Bio.

A combination of Biokinetics and Physiotherapy usually works best.

So take time, assess which stage you are at and then contact us for an assessment!

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