Wednesday 5 October 2011

Multiple sclerosis and biokinetics

Before I begin I want to say that this blog was inspired by a new patient of mine. You know who you are!:)

Multiple sclerosis is a disease whereby the sheath around the nerves, your myelin sheath, degenerates. This means that the message to your muscle goes slower and eventualy stops getting there.
There are different types of MS, but the main difference is that one type is progressive and the other is not.

In both cases, biokinetics can help! During your biokinetics you will be given exercises that strengthen your muscles, you will do stretching exercises and we will also work on your balance and proprioception.
This can all lead to one of 2 things. One, is that your disease will still progress but at a much slower rate. This is because your muscles will be much stronger.

The second is that you will have less recurrences of episodes or less severe recurrences. Again because your muscles are stronger and more able to handle what is thrown at them.

Biokinetics is a safe medium whereby someone with MS can exercise as we would treat each patient as an individual and deal with other complications (such as being affected by heat) more effectively.

I have personally seen the effect of biokinetics on patients with MS and it is nothing short of remarkable!

Let us help you manage your disease today!

1 comment:

  1. There are so many symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Specific symptoms can includes blindness in one eye, double vision, muscle weakness, trouble with sensation and trouble with coordination. Best multiple sclerosis treatment
